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Mechanical Design COurse


A Mechanical Design course typically focuses on imparting knowledge and skills related to designing and creating mechanical systems, components, and products. This course is relevant to various industries, including manufacturing, automotive, aerospace, robotics, and more. Here's a a brief overview of what you might expect from a mechanical design course

Benefits of the course :

  • Foundation of Design: Gain insights into mechanics, materials science, and engineering math to comprehend the impact of forces, stress, and strain on mechanical designs.
  • CAD Proficiency: Master popular CAD tools like AutoCAD, SolidWorks, or CATIA to craft intricate 2D and 3D models of mechanical components and systems
  • Precision in Communication: Learn to create precise engineering drawings, encompassing dimensioning and tolerancing, for effective design communication
  • Material Mastery: Navigate the realm of material selection by understanding properties, criteria, and behavior under varying conditions to ensure durability and strength.
  • Forces and Motion: Dive into statics and dynamics to dissect forces, equilibrium, and motion in mechanical systems, essential for crafting stable and functional structures


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